Undergraduate First Semester Course Allocation (all options) 2018/2019 Session

S/No. Course code Course title Unit Staff
1 ECE 311 Circuit Theory I 3 Ezeja, Ugwu, Amoke
2 ECE 321 Physical Electronics 3 Nnolim, Ezukwoke, Ogbuanya
3 ECE 331 Electromagnetic Field and Waves 2 Oyeka, Ogbuka, Nwawelu
4 ECE 371 System Programming 2 Ezika, Olisa, Udechukwu
5 ECE 361 Measurement and Instrumentation 3 Anoliefo, Animalu, Nwobi
6 ECE 421 Applied Electronics II 2 Iloanusi, Ezukwoke, Udechukwu
7 ECE 441 Communication Principles 3 Ani, Ezeja, Ekengwu
8 ECE 443 Data Communication and Networking 2 Oyeka, Nwawelu, Amazue
9 ECE 451 Control Theory 3 Udeze, Ozue, Amoke
10 ECE 471 Digital Electronics 2 Chijindu, Ozue, Amoke
11 ECE 473 Digital Logic Theory 3 David, Madukwe, Ogbuanya
12 ECE 511 Digital Systems Design 3 Nnolim, Anoliefo, Olisa,
13 ECE 521 Industrial Electronic Design 2 Eneh, Anoliefo, Animalu
14 ECE 541 Communication Systems 3 Ani, Asiegbu, Ekengwu
15 ECE 551 Control Engineering 3 Udeze, Eneh, Ndefo
16 ECE 571 Microprocessor Systems 3 David, Ezika, Madukwe
17 ECE 573 Software Engineering 2 Oparaku, David, Chijindu
18 ENG 101 Introduction to Engineering 2 Ezukwoke

Undergraduate Second Semester Course Allocation (all options) 2018/2019 Session

S/No. Course code Course title Unit Staff
1 ECE 272 Engineering Computer Programming 3 Ezeja, Olisa, Ogbuka, Nwobi
2 ECE 312 Circuit Theory II 3 Ezeja, Anioke, Asiegbu
3 ECE 322 Physical Electronics II 3 Ezika, Ogbuanya, Amazue
4 ECE 332 Electromagnetic Fields and Waves 3 Ahaneku, Asiegbu, Ogbuka
5 ECE 482 Seminars 2 Iloanusi, Nnolim
6 ECE 494 Technical Writing 3 Chijindu, Madukwe
7 ECE 512 System Engineering 2 Udeze, Eneh, Ezukwoke
8 ECE 524 Solid State Electronics 3 Oparaku, Anoliefo
9 ECE 526* Optoelectronics 3 Nnolim, Animalu, Ndefo
10 ECE 544* Process Control 3 Udeze, Ozue, Ndefo
11 ECE 546* Communication Networks 3 Ani, Udechukwu,Amoke
12 ECE 542 Telecommunication Engineering 2 Ahaneku, Oyeka, Ekengwu
13 ECE 572* Computer Systems Design 3 Nnolim, Ugwu
14 ECE 574 Digital Signal Processing 2 Iloanusi, Nnolim, Amazue
15 ECE 576* Microprocessor Systems Design 3 David, Madukwe
16 ECE 578* Artificial Intelligence and Robotics 3 Chijindu, Anoliefo
17 ECE 540* Introduction to Radar and Navigation System 3 Ahaneku, Nwawelu
18 ECE 592 Project 4 All staff

* are undergraduate Elective courses

Postgraduate First Semester Course Allocation (all options) 2018/2019 Session

S/No. Course code Course title Unit Staff
1 ECE 600 Dissertation 3 All Staff
2 ECE 601 Seminars 3 All Staff
3 PGC 601 Research Methodology and ICT Engineering 3 Oparaku/Ani
4 ECE 610 Communication Theory 3 Ani/Anioke
5 ECE 611 Communication Network & Protocols 3 Ahaneku/Oyeka
6 ECE 613 Network Traffic Control 3 Ani/Anioke
7 ECE 615 Mobile Communication 3 Ahaneku/Ezeja
8 ECE 620 Digital Systems Design 3 David/Nnolim
9 ECE 621 Computer System Architecture I 3 Chijindu/Ezika
10 ECE 623 Computer System Architecture II 3 Chijindu/Anoliefo
11 ECE 625 Digital Integrated Electronics 3 Nnolim/Ezika
12 ECE 633 Linear System 3 Eneh
13 ECE 631 Optimal Control 3 Eneh
14 ECE 635 System Modeling and Simulation 3 Udeze
15 ECE 700 Thesis 6 All Staff
16 ECE 701 Seminars I 3 All Staff
17 PGC 701 Synopsis and Research Grant Writing 3 Ani
18 ECE 710 Network Management and Reliability 3 Ani
19 ECE 713 Advanced Security Engineering 3 Oparaku/Udeze

Postgraduate Second Semester Course Allocation (all options) 2018/2019 Session

S/No. Course code Course title Unit Staff
1 ECE 600 Dissertation 3 All Staff
2 ECE 612 Communication Modeling and Simulation 3 Ani/Ezeja
3 ECE 614 Microwave & Satellite Communication 3 Ahaneku/Oyeka
4 ECE 622 Software Engineering Development 3 David/Nnolim
5 ECE 624 Software Engineering & Project Management 3 Chijindu/Ezika
6 ECE 626 Digital Signal Processing 3 Iloanusi/Nnolim
7 ECE 628 Biometrics and Image Processing 3 Iloanusi/Ezika
8 ECE 630 Stochastic Control 3 Eneh
9 ECE 636 Control Strategies 3 Udeze
10 ECE 638 System Control 3 Udeze
11 ECE 700 Thesis 6 All Staff
12 ECE 702 Seminars II 3 All Staff
13 ECE 712 Modeling and Simulation Practice 3 Ani
14 ECE 714 Long Distance Networks 3 Ahaneku
15 ECE 716 Advanced Signal Processing 3 Iloanusi/Nnolim




S/No. Name Target Load per Week for First Semester Target Load per Week for Second Semester Target Total Load per Week for Session
1 C. C. Udeze 7.5 8.17 15.67
2 O. U. Oparaku 3.67 1.5 5.17
3 C. I. Ani 12.5 6.0 18.5
4 M. A. Ahaneku 3.0 7.67 10.67
5 N. David 4.67 3.0 7.67
6 O. N. Iloanusi 0.67 6.5 7.17
7 U. A. Nnolim 5.5 9.5 15.0
8 V. C. Chijindu 4.67 4.5 9.17
9 J. N. Eneh 11.17 3.67 14.84
10 M. O. Ezeja 4.5 3.5 8.0
11 D. O. Oyeka 3.17 2.17 5.34
12 I. A. Ezika 4.67 6 10.67
13 E. C. Anoliefo 4.67 3.0 7.67
14 C. L. Anioke 3.0 1.0 4.0
15 M. Ogbuka 0.67 2.0 2.67
16 U. Nwawelu 1.67 1.5 3.17
17 T. Ozue 2.5 1.5 4.0
18 S. Ugwu 1.5 1.5 3.0
19 V. Animalu 2.17 1.5 3.67
20 S. Olisa 1.67 1.0 2.67
21 F. Udechukwu 1.34 1.5 2.84
22 N. Asiegbu 1.0 2.0 3.0
23 B. Ekengwu 2.0 0.67 2.67
24 K. Madukwe 2.5 3.0 5.5
25 N. Ezugwoke 4.17 0.67 4.84

Engr. Dr. C.C. Udeze

(Ag. Head of Department)